Square dancing, a fun American pastime! Learn square dance steps with this instructional animation. Fun fact about square dancing: 19 U.S. States deem it their official dance. Square dance is a folk dance with roots in Europe, eventually spreading to the states & becoming more of an iconic dance there. Square dancing consists of 4 couples arranged in a square formation. This square dance lesson is clear and to the point. Search "square dance instructional animation" on Wonderhowto for more square dance steps.
How to do a Single Circle to Wave (Facing Lines) square dance:
Square Dance Starting Formation: Facing dancers.
Facing dancers join both hands with each other and Circle Left halfway. Without stopping, they drop hands with each other and individually Veer Left, blending into a right-hand mini-wave. If the caller directs "Single Circle 3/4 to a Wave", facing dancers join both hands with each other and Circle Left 3/4, then continue to execute the rest of the call as above.
STYLING: In circling, the two dancers are slightly offset to the left so that their dance partner in the circle is more to their right than in front of them. Use smooth dance step, not buzz. When joining hands for circle, gents turn palms up, ladies palms down. Arms are bent comfortably at the elbows. Exert a small amount of pressure while circling. Blend into a hands up ocean wave position.
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